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Religion’s Role in Shaping Diverse Societies

  4.00 PM to 5.30 PM

 Thu 6 June, 2024

This event is part of the York Festival of Ideas

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What role can religion play in challenging various forms of prejudice and distrust and helping to build inclusive and diverse societies?

Many conflicts worldwide can result from some people not being considered part of the dominant national, ethnic, political or religious groupings, and they are seen as an unwelcome and even threatening presence.

While recognising the ambivalent nature of religion, our panel of four speakers will discuss from their own experience and inter-disciplinary research how religion can play constructive and creative roles in challenging various forms of prejudice and distrust and helping to build inclusive and diverse societies. They will explore the complex role of religions in the public and political spheres in a range of global contexts. Specifically, Mark Dawson will speak about ‘Religious Communities working together on Fair Trade to counter prejudice and distrust’. Ayla Göl will focus on changing from ‘Fear to trust between Islam and the West’ by comparing the activities of two faith-based organisations, Finn Church Aid and Islamic Relief Worldwide. Pauline Kollontai will talk about ‘Combatting Racism and Advancing Racial Equality in Israel’. Sue Yore’s talk will focus on ‘From the Mystical Internal to the Political External by Revisiting Dorothee Soelle’s Concept of Mysticism and Resistance’.

All panel speakers will critically reflect on the constructive contribution religion can make to supporting the promotion of respect, dignity, and justice for all people, and shaping sustainable, diverse and peaceful societies.

More event details

Fountains Lecture Theatre York St John University Lord Mayor's Walk York YO31 7EX

01904 876318